Events from February 28, 2019 – March 15 | Page 9 | Quincy University

QU Music Visit Day

QU Connie Niemann Center for Music - 1729 Seminary Road

-Open to all high school musicians. -For more information contact: or (217) 228-5432. -At the Connie Niemann Center for Music

“College 101: A How to for Parents”

QU Francis Hall Lobby - 1800 College Ave. 1800 College Ave, Quincy, IL, United States

* Admissions and Student Financial Services Professionals will be on hand to answer questions. * Sessions for parents on the college search process * Designed for parents of any high school students, not just ones who are coming to QU.…

Hawk Express Jazz Band Fall Concert

QU Connie Niemann Center for Music - 1729 Seminary Road

Music Dept Open House to view renovated music spaces will follow the jazz concert. At the Connie Niemann Center for Music

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