Quincy University Campus To Reopen June 1, 2020
Quincy University will reopen its campus on Monday, June 1, 2020, for normal business hours. The university will follow guidance from the “Opening Up Together” plan for Adams County, Illinois, which was developed with input from QU.
Quincy University will ensure appropriate physical distancing and adherence to health-care guidelines for COVID-19. Masks will be required for everyone entering campus buildings and in all public spaces. QU will continue to work closely with local, state, and federal authorities as well as public health officials, to ensure the safest possible environment on campus for all employees and guests.
Appointments for all visits to campus will be required, and campus tours will resume by appointment only. Those wishing to visit a campus office should contact that office directly for an appointment. Information about appointments also is available at 800-688-4295 or www.quincy.edu/visit.
Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 will not be allowed on the Quincy University campus, and meetings or visits will need to be rescheduled for individuals with COVID-19 symptoms.
All summer courses at QU remain online. The Health and Fitness Center will remain closed to the public until further notice.
“We are delighted to reopen Quincy University and to see members of our community return to this beautiful, park-like campus,” said Brian McGee, PhD, president of QU. “Our current and prospective students will benefit from having more access to the people and facilities of the university. At the same time, we will also follow the public health guidance provided by Adams County and by the state of Illinois, as we all work diligently to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus.”
“For generations, a QU education has been a gateway to success for young men and women from Quincy, the Midwest, and the world” said McGee. “We hope that the careful reopening of the university is another step towards normalcy for our students, including the students who will begin their university careers in August.”
Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, Quincy University (www.quincy.edu) is celebrating 160 years as a Catholic, co-educational, liberal arts, residential university. Quincy University offers undergraduate, graduate, and adult education programs that integrate liberal arts, active learning, practical experience, and Franciscan values. Faculty and advisors work with each student to design a customized success plan to help them graduate on time, find their passion and prepare them for life. Quincy University’s intercollegiate sports are members of the NCAA Division II Great Lakes Valley Conference for men and women. For more information, please contact the Quincy University Office of Community Relations by calling (217) 228-5275. Quincy University. Success by Design.