Quincy University’s Town and Gown Reading & Lecture Series will host a community presentation on the Zika virus by QU professor, Kimberly Hale, Ph.D. on Tuesday April, 26, from 7-8 p.m. in Francis Hall Room 432, located at Quincy University.

Zika Virus Community Presentation

Reports concerning the Zika virus have been prominent in the news. Zika is a disease caused by Zika virus that is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito. Dr. Kimberly Hale will discuss the history of the Zika virus, the threat of the virus to those who become infected, and how it can be spread.

For more information, contact Dr. Heidi Hillman at hillmhe@quincy.edu or 217-228-5432 ext. 3038.